0000 Exchange Rate £0 Transfer Fees

Our Mobile App

VRemit mobile app is an example of simplicity. Minimal effort and you start sending money.

Always with you

With our mobile app, we are with you all the time. Just open the app when you need our service.

Manage your profile

Edit your profile or upload an ID from the comfort of your home using the app.

Track, view current and past transfers

View history of all the previous transfers as well as track status of your active transfers.

Refer VRemit to your friends and earn referral bonus

Earn £5 for every friend you refer. Visit our Refer a Friend page to know more.

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VRemit Mobile App VRemit Moblie App
VRemit App

Save time with the VRemit app

Begin your money transfer journey with VRemit app. Download our app from Play Store or App Store and enjoy benefits that comes along:

  • Save time with Repeat Transfer
  • Track your transfer in Real Time
  • Pay using your favourite Payment Method
  • Get instant help or read our FAQs
VRemit Mobile App VRemit App

How It Works?

You can send money with the following four easy steps

VRemit Create an acccount

1. Create an acccount

Download our app and signup within minutes. It’s easy and free.

VRemit Set up a transfer

2. Set up a transfer

Add beneficiary and enter an amount to send or amount to receive in foreign currency.

VRemit Pay securely

3. Pay securely

Pay using your bank card or by Bank Transfer. All card transfers are secure and we do not store your card details.

VRemit That’s it

4. That’s it!

Track your transfer from the app. We payout to beneficiary as promised in delivery method.

Frequently Asked Questions

Vremit Frequently Asked Questions
  • Why do you need my documents while registration?
  • How can I cancel my transfer?
  • Will I get notifications about Transfer status?
  • Why I received email stating transfer complete, but the money is not with recipient?
  • How many recipients I can add?
  • You asked me to upload one more document; how can I do that?
  • How can I pay for my transfer?